We offer a range of courses (credit and non-credit) and programs that will help you on your academic journey.


Credit Courses

ACC 101 Financial Accounting I
ACC 102 Financial Accounting II
ACC 211 Federal Taxation
ACC 222 Managerial Accounting
ACC 225 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, VITA Practicum
ACC 231 Computerized Accounting
Allied Health
ALH 102 Introduction to Medical Terminology
ALH 103 Introduction to Pharmacology for Allied Health Professionals
ALH 106 Medical Law and Ethics
ALH 125 Phlebotomy/EKG Technician Principles and Application
ALH 131 Introductory Nursing Assistant
ALH 132 Advanced Nursing Assistant
ALH 137 Pharmacy Technician
ALH 138 Pharmacy Technician Clinical Co-Operative Externship
ALH 299 Cooperative Work Experience
American Sign Language
ASL 111 Beginning American Sign Language I
ASL 112 Beginning American Sign Language II
ASL 113 Introduction to Deaf Studies
ASL 114 Issues in Deaf Society
ASL 119 Career Signing
ASL 200 Deaf Community Practicum
ASL 211 Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL 212 Intermediate American Sign Language II
ANT 111 Cultural Anthropology
ART 101 Art Appreciation
ART 111 A History of Art I
ART 112 A History of Art II
ART 121 Contemporary Art
ART 131 Introduction to Drawing I
ART 132 Introduction to Drawing II
ART 141 Photographing People
ART 211 History of Graphic Design
Automotive Technology
AUT 102 Fundamentals of Automotive Service
AUT 111 Automotive Electrical Systems
AUT 113 Automotive Electronics
AUT 121 Basic Gasoline Engines
AUT 125 Engine Testing/Performance Analysis
AUT 131 Brake Systems
AUT 133 Suspension, Steering & Alignment
AUT 141 Climate Control System
AUT 211 Electronic Powertrain Control Systems
AUT 251 Automotive Drive Train
AUT 253 Automatic Transmission & Transaxle
AUT 299 Cooperative Work Experience
BIO 100 Principles of Human Biology
BIO 101 General Biology: Core Concepts
BIO 104 Introduction to Plant Biology
BIO 105 Principles of Ecology
BIO 106 Biology I: Introduction to Organismal Diversity
BIO 107 Biology II: Introduction to Cells and Molecules
BIO 111 Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 112 Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 113 The Biology of Stress
BIO 231 General Microbiology
BIO 232 Medical Microbiology
BIO 241 Nutrition
BIO 259 Cell Biology
BIO 260 Molecular Biology
BIO 262 Principles of Genetics
BTT 101 Introduction to Biotechnology
BTT 102 Introduction to Biotechnology with Laboratory
BTT 211 Techniques in Biotechnology I
BTT 212 Techniques in Biotechnology II
BUS 113 Ethical Issues in Business & the Professions
BUS 201 Integrated Communications for Business
BUS 250 Business Administration Capstone
BUS 298 Career Strategies & Internship Experience
Business Law
BSL 101 Business Law I
BSL 102 Business Law II
BSL 103 E-Business Law & Ethics
Business Office Support Specialist
BSS 101 Keyboarding Applications
BSS 112 Medical/Dental Billing and Insurance
Career Placement Services
CPS 298 Pre Cooperative Education Seminar
CHM 101 Introduction to the Chemistry of Living Systems
CHM 105 General Chemistry I
CHM 106 General Chemistry II
CHM 123 Principles of Chemistry for Engineers I
CHM 124 Principles of Chemistry for Engineers II
CHM 201 Organic Chemistry I
CHM 202 Organic Chemistry II
COM 100 Introduction to Mass Communication
COM 101 Journalism I
COM 102 Journalism II
Computer Information Systems
CIS 105 Introduction to Information Technology
CIS 111 Introduction to Microcomputer Applications
CIS 112 Advanced Microcomputer Applications
CIS 121 Introduction to Programming with C++
CIS 134 Web Page Development I
CIS 141 Introduction to Data Communication & Networks
CIS 206 Management of Data Analytics
CIS 212 Electronic Health Records
CIS 223 .NET Programming I
CIS 225 Programming with C++ II
CIS 226 Introduction to Java
CIS 227 Java II
CIS 228 SQL Programming
CIS 229 PL/SQL Programming
CIS 230 Mobile Apps Development
CIS 232 .NET Programming II
CIS 234 Web Page Development II
CIS 241 Systems Analysis & Design
CIS 243 Database Management Application Development
CIS 244 Database Management Concepts
CIS 246 .NET Programming III
CIS 247 Database Administration
CIS 251 Quality Assurance Foundations
CIS 252 Information Architecture/User Interface Foundations
CIS 253 Security Techniques in Programming
CIS 299 Cooperative Work Experience & Seminar
Computer Science
CSC 101 Introduction to Programming Using Python
CSC 105 IT Help Desk Concepts
CSC 108 Computer Science I
CSC 109 Computer Science II
CSC 140 Mobile Operating Systems
CSC 141 Windows Client Operating Systems
CSC 201 Systems Programming and Scripting
CSC 208 Introduction to Architecture and Assembly Language
CSC 210 Storage Technologies
CSC 211 Programming with Data Structures
CSC 212 Introduction to Software Engineering
CSC 233 Computer Hardware and Support
CSC 234 Networking Technologies
CSC 241 Windows Server Operating Systems
Computer Systems Engineering Technology
CST 205 IT Security Foundations
CST 206 Computer Forensics
CST 207 Telecommunications in Business
CST 208 Enterprise IT Systems Security
CST 209 Ethical Hacking
CST 211 Advanced Topics in Security
CST 231 Internetworking Principles and Protocols
CST 235 Network Infrastructure Management
CST 238 Enterprise Application Infrastructure
CST 240 Routing Technologies
CST 245 UNIX Operating Systems I
CST 246 UNIX Operating Systems II
CST 253 Unified Communications
CST 299 Cooperative Work Experience & Seminar
Criminal Justice
CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJ 102 Terrorism and Homeland Security
CRJ 110 Multicultural Diversity in Criminal Justice
CRJ 111 Criminal Law
CRJ 113 Constitutional Law
CRJ 123 Contemporary Corrections
CRJ 207 Criminal Investigation
CRJ 211 Evidence & Court Procedure
CRJ 213 Criminology
CRJ 231 Introduction to Policing
Culinary Arts
CUL 111 Introduction to Meats
CUL 112 Introduction to Poultry & Seafood
CUL 113 Introduction to Vegetables, Fruits & Grains
CUL 114 Introduction to Dairy, Salads & Sandwiches
CUL 131 Pies, Pastries & Cookies
CUL 132 Cakes & Frostings
CUL 133 Custards, Creams & Desserts
CUL 141 Trawl to Table
CUL 142 Farm to Table
CUL 152 Asian Cuisine
CUL 153 Middle Eastern Cuisine
CUL 154 Latin American Cuisine
Dental Assisting
DAS 101 Clinical Science I
DAS 102 Dental Sciences
DAS 105 Clinical Science II
DAS 111 Practice Management
DAS 124 Introduction to Oral Pathology
DAS 151 Dental Assisting I
DAS 153 Dental Assisting Clinical Practicum
DAS 155 Dental Assisting II
DAS 299 Dental Externship
Dental Hygiene
DHY 111 Dental Hygiene Process I
DHY 112 Dental Hygiene Process II
DHY 113 Dental Hygiene Process Summer Clinic
DHY 116 Practice Management for the Dental Hygienist
DHY 121 Anatomy of the Head & Neck
DHY 123 Oral Histology & Embryology
DHY 124 Periodontology
DHY 125 Dental Anatomy
DHY 126 Oral Pathology
DHY 131 Dental Radiology
DHY 150 Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist
DHY 201 Health Promotion
DHY 202 Dental Ethics, Jurisprudence & Professional Issues
DHY 211 Dental Hygiene Process III
DHY 212 Dental Hygiene Process IV
DHY 231 Dental Pharmacology
DHY 241 Dental Materials
DHY 243 Dental Public Health
DHY 250 Nutrition in Oral and Systemic Health
Early Childhood Education
ECE 101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ECE 102 Growth & Development of the Young Child
ECE 112 Family Issues & Dynamics
ECE 123 Fieldwork with Infants and Toddlers (Observation and Experience)
ECE 150 Introduction to Student Teaching Practicum
ECE 202 Fieldwork with Young Children I
ECE 221 Infant & Toddler Curriculum and Development
ECE 231 Curriculum for Young Children I
ECE 232 Curriculum for Young Children II
ECE 238 Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring in Early Childhood Settings
ECE 242 Young Children with Special Needs
ECE 243 Administration in Early Education and Care
ECE 244 Communication for Collaboration
ECE 245 Advocacy and Ethics for Social Justice in Early Care and Education
ECE 246 Seminar and Field Experience: Leadership in Early Education and Care
ECE 250 Using Observation for Authentic Assessment of Young Children
ECE 251 Integrating Theory and Practice I: Guidance of Young Children
ECE 252 Integrating Theory and Practice II: Observing, Recording and Authentic Assessment
ECE 253 Supervised Student Participation I
ECE 254 Supervised Student Participation II
ECE 255 Guiding Young Children's Behavior
ECE 258 Early Childhood Curriculum
ECE 259 Seminar and Field Experience: Classroom Teaching in Early Education and Care
ECE 260 Introduction to Trauma Informed Care in Early Childhood Settings
ECE 261 Best Practices in Trauma Informed Care in Early Childhood Settings
ECO 215 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 216 Principles of Microeconomics
Electromechanical Technology
ELM 251 Instrumentation and Control Technology
ELM 257 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
ELM 258 Mechatronic Systems
ELM 260 Industrial Robotics
Electronics Engineering Technology
EET 299 Cooperative Work Experience
Electronics Technology
ELT 103 DC and AC Circuits
ELT 104 Electronic Devices
ELT 120 Introduction to Photonics
ELT 121 Digital Circuits
ELT 130 Embedded Microcontrollers
ELT 222 Photonics Technology
Elementary Education
EDU 101 Elementary Education: Teaching and Learning
EDU 103 Foundations of Multicultural Education & Diversity
EDU 202 Children with Exceptionalities
EDU 204 Foundations of Reading
Emergency Medical Technician
EMT 101 Basic Emergency Medical Technology
ERG 101 Engineering Design and Graphics Using CAD
ERG 211 Introduction to Materials Science
ERG 221 Statics
ERG 223 Thermodynamics
ERG 225 Strength of Materials
ERG 280 Engineering Computation and Modeling
ENG 090 Basic Reading Skills
ENG 091 Intermediate Reading Skills
ENG 092 College Reading Strategies
ENG 093 College Writing Strategies
ENG 095 Basic Writing Skills
ENG 096 Intermediate Writing Skills
ENG 097 The Reading-Writing Connection
ENG 099 College Reading & Writing Strategies
ENG 101 Composition I
ENG 102 Composition II
ENG 105 Technical Writing
ENG 200 Children's Literature
ENG 202 Creative Writing
ENG 203 Writing Poetry
ENG 204 Writing Fiction
ENG 205 Technical and Workplace Writing
ENG 209 Creative Nonfiction
ENG 210 Introduction to Literary Theory
ENG 231 World Literature I: Ancient World to 18th Century
ENG 232 World Literature II: 18th Century to Present
ENG 241 British Literature I: Beginning to 1750
ENG 242 British Literature II: 1750 to Present
ENG 251 American Literature I: 1600 to 1870
ENG 252 American Literature II: 1870 to Present
ENG 256 The Short Story
ENG 260 Special Topics in English
ENG 261 African American Literature I
ENG 262 African American Literature II
English as a Second Language
ESL 103 English as a Second Language: Writing I
ESL 104 English as a Second Language: Writing II
ESL 105 English as a Second Language: Writing III
ESL 113 English as a Second Language: Reading I
ESL 114 English as a Second Language: Reading II
ESL 115 English as a Second Language: Reading III
ESL 133 English as a Second Language: Listening/Speaking I
ESL 134 English as a Second Language: Listening/Speaking II
ESL 135 English as a Second Language: Listening/Speaking III
ESL 160 College English Transition
FIN 111 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 221 The Stock Market and Investments
FIN 250 Principles of Finance
Fire Science
FSC 101 Principles of Emergency Services
FSC 104 Fire Behavior and Combustion
FSC 121 Building Construction for Fire Protection
FSC 151 Occupational Safety and Health for Emergency Services
FSC 201 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival
FSC 203 Fire Prevention
FSC 207 Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy
FSC 223 Fire Protection Systems
FSC 230 Fire Investigation I
FSC 241 Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply
FSC 242 Hazardous Materials Chemistry
FSC 263 Introduction to Fire and Emergency Services Administration
First Year Experience
FYE 101 First Year Experience
FYE 102 Healthcare First Year Experience
FRC 111 Beginning French I
FRC 112 Beginning French II
GEO 210 World Regional Geography
GRT 101 Introduction to Gerontology
Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
HVC 101 Basic Refrigeration Systems and Heat Theory
HVC 102 Basic Electricity
HVC 107 Comfort Cooling Systems
HVC 108 Motors and Motor Controls
HVC 109 Oil Heating Systems
HVC 110 Gas Heating Systems
HST 104 World History I: Beginning to 1500
HST 105 World History II: 1500 to World War I
HST 106 World History III: World War I to Present
HST 115 U.S. History: Beginnings to 1865
HST 116 U.S. History: 1865 to Present
HST 133 History of Puerto Rico
HST 202 Topics in the History of Civilization
HST 203 African American History I: Beginnings to 1865
HST 204 African American History II: 1865 to the Present
HST 205 United States Women's History
HST 216 History of Native Americans in North America
HST 232 Worcester's History
Hospitality & Recreation Management
HRM 100 Today’s Culinary Professional
HRM 101 Introduction to Hotel/Restaurant Management
HRM 110 Basic Foods: Mise En Place
HRM 111 Basic Foods: Basic Boucher & Patissier
HRM 112 Basic Foods: Garde-Manager & Saucier
HRM 113 Basic Foods: Principles of Baking
HRM 115 Sanitation Certification
HRM 131 Food and Beverage Cost Control
HRM 135 Front Office Operations
HRM 136 Front Office Management
HRM 137 Introduction to Casino and Gaming Operations
HRM 139 Bar and Beverage Management
HRM 201 Hospitality Accounting and Revenue Management
HRM 215 Contract Foodservice Management
HRM 216 Nutrition for Foodservice Management
HRM 217 Nutrition for Dietary and Foodservice Professionals
HRM 218 Dining Room and Banquet Management
HRM 221 Hospitality Law and Ethics
HRM 232 Hotel Meetings: Sales and Operations
HRM 235 Management in the Hospitality Industry
HRM 236 Destination Marketing and Management
HRM 298 Hotel/Restaurant Management Cooperative Education Practicum
HRM 299 Cooperative Work Experience
Human Services
HUS 101 Introduction to Human Services
HUS 121 The Helping Relationship: Delivering Human Services
HUS 125 Group Process for Human Services
HUS 131 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities
HUS 141 Community Service: Delivering Human Services
HUS 143 Direct Support Practicum
HUS 145 Special Topics in Developmental Disabilities
HUS 221 Cultural Competence for Human Service Workers
HUS 231 Legal and Ethical Concepts in Human Services
HUS 243 Human Services Practicum I
HUS 244 Human Services Practicum II
HUM 101 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
HUM 105 Introduction to Humanities
HUM 142 Internet Communications
HUM 206 Digital Humanities
HUM 210 Journaling in Context: New England's Great Thinkers
HUM 211 The Sixties in America
HUM 214 Great Debates of the Western World
HUM 232 Survey of Hollywood Film: 1920 to Present
HUM 234 Mathematics and Science in the Humanities
Interactive Media Digital Design
IMD 105 UI/UX Design Fundamentals
IMD 106 Digital Photojournalism
IMD 114 Digital Design Concepts I
IMD 115 Digital Design Concepts II
IMD 121 Graphic Design I
IMD 122 Graphic Design II
IMD 154 Digital Imaging and Media
IMD 155 Digital Illustration and Animation
IMD 161 Digital Photography
IMD 171 Fundamentals of 3D Digital Design
IMD 222 Publication Design
IMD 263 Digital Video Fundamentals
IMD 271 Typography
IMD 275 Motion Graphics
IMD 286 Interactive Media Processes Portfolio
IMD 287 Graphic Design Processes Portfolio
Interactive Media Game Design
IMG 100 Drawing the Human Form
IMG 101 Fundamentals of Game Design and Development
IMG 102 Introduction to Game Design
IMG 203 Intermediate Game Design
IMG 272 3D Modeling for Game Design
IMG 288 Interactive Game Design Portfolio
Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS 101 Valuing Diversity
IDS 200 Honors Colloquium: Special Topics
IDS 215 Bioethics
LOG 105 Introduction to Business Logistics
LOG 106 Transportation Management
LOG 107 Warehouse and Inventory Management
LOG 208 Purchasing and Supply Management
MGT 101 Introduction to Business
MGT 205 Project Management
MGT 206 Management of Data Analytics
MGT 211 Principles of Management
MGT 215 Human Resource Management
MGT 216 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
MGT 222 International Business & Management
Manufacturing Technology
MNT 100 Manufacturing Safety
MNT 101 Mechanical CAD I
MNT 103 Solid Modeling
MNT 104 Engineering Design
MNT 106 Quality
MNT 108 Basic Machine Operation
MNT 110 Manufacturing Materials and Processes
MNT 115 Maintenance and Instrumentation in Manufacturing
MNT 210 CNC Programming
MNT 215 Computer-Aided Manufacturing
MNT 216 Manufacturing Capstone Project
MNT 217 Process Automation & Robotics
MNT 218 Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma
MNT 299 Cooperative Work Experience
MRK 111 Principles of Real Estate
MRK 201 Principles of Marketing
MRK 221 Sales & Sales Management
MRK 231 Advertising
MRK 241 Social Media Marketing
MAT 051 Topics in Mathematics Corequisite
MAT 052 Statistics Corequisite
MAT 054 Mathematics for Educators I Corequisite
MAT 095 Beginning Algebra
MAT 097 College Algebra Corequisite
MAT 100 College Algebra
MAT 103 Mathematics for Business
MAT 111 Mathematics for Educators I
MAT 112 Mathematics for Educators II
MAT 121 Topics in Mathematics
MAT 122 Statistics
MAT 123 College Mathematics I: Pre-Calculus
MAT 124 College Mathematics II: Trigonometry
MAT 125 Discrete Mathematics
MAT 147 Mathematics for Technicians I
MAT 148 Mathematics for Technicians II
MAT 233 Calculus I
MAT 234 Calculus II
MAT 235 Calculus III
MAT 237 Probability & Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
MAT 238 Differential Equations
MAT 243 Linear Algebra
Medical Support Specialist
MSS 111 Medical Assisting Fundamentals
MSS 112 Medical Assisting Clinical Fundamentals
MSS 121 Medical Assisting Advanced Administration
MSS 122 Medical Assisting Advanced Clinical Procedures
MSS 199 Medical Assisting Fieldwork
MUS 102 Music Appreciation
MUS 121 Jazz in America
MUS 135 Music Ensemble I
MUS 136 Music Ensemble II
MUS 137 Music Ensemble III
MUS 151 Music Theory I
MUS 152 Music Theory II
MUS 261 Music History I
MUS 262 Music History II
Nurse Education
NUR 100 Paramedic to ADN Bridge
NUR 101 Advanced Placement Nursing I
NUR 106 Introduction to Nursing Concepts & Health Care
NUR 107 Fundamentals of Nursing
NUR 108 Medical Surgical Nursing I/Maternal Newborn
NUR 204 Medical Surgical Nursing II/Pediatric
NUR 205 Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing III/Mental Health
NUR 206 Advanced Nursing Concepts & Transition to Practice
Occupational Therapy
OTA 101 Introduction to Occupational Therapy: Concepts & Interventions
OTA 103 Group Process and Interventions
OTA 105 Developing Professional Behaviors
OTA 131 Occupational Therapy: Methods and Modalities I
OTA 211 Occupational Therapy with the Older Adult
OTA 215 Developmental Problems and Practice with Children
OTA 221 Concepts and Occupational Therapy Interventions in Mental Health
OTA 223 Concepts and Occupational Therapy Interventions with the Physically Challenged
OTA 231 Occupational Therapy: Methods and Modalities II
OTA 241 Occupational Therapy Field Placement I
OTA 242 Occupational Therapy Field Placement II
MED 110 Introduction to Paramedicine
MED 120 Pharmacology, Patient Assessment and Human Systems
MED 130 Special Patient Populations for Paramedicine
MED 150 Advanced Paramedicine
MED 160 Cardiology and Advanced Cardiac Life Support
MED 170 Trauma
MED 180 Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies
MED 190 Topics in Paramedicine
MED 210 Clinical Internship for the Paramedic
MED 220 Field Internship for the Paramedic
PHI 102 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 121 World Religions
PHI 131 Introduction to Ethics
PHI 201 Judaism, Christianity and Islam
PHI 203 Philosophy of Technology
PHY 101 Physics I
PHY 102 Physics II
PHY 105 General Physics I: Newtonian Mechanics
PHY 107 General Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism
PHY 207 General Physics III: Optics & Modern Physics
Political Science
PSC 201 United States Government
PSC 221 State & Local Government
Practical Nursing Program
PNP 101 Practical Nursing I: Fundamentals of Nursing
PNP 111 Introduction to Pharmacology
PNP 210 Nutrition Concepts in Health and Illness
PNP 233 Trends in Practical Nursing
PNP 235 Practical Nursing II: Medical/Surgical/Mental Health/Leadership Nursing
PNP 240 Practical Nursing III: Maternal/Newborn/Pediatric Nursing
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 118 Psychology of Interpersonal Relations
PSY 121 Survey of Life Span Development
PSY 123 Child Development
PSY 124 Adolescence
PSY 142 Human Sexuality
PSY 158 Human Relations in Organizations
PSY 231 Introduction to Counseling
PSY 250 Psychological Statistics
PSY 251 Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 252 Introduction to Cognition
PSY 253 Social Psychology
PSY 261 Theories of Personality
PSY 262 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 273 Chemical Dependency
Public Health
PHA 100 Survey of Personal Health
PHA 101 Introduction to Public Health
PHA 102 Introduction to Global Health
PHA 103 Public Health Epidemiology
PHA 299 Cooperative Work Experience
Radiologic Technology
RDT 102 Patient Care & Ethics in Radiology
RDT 104 Radiographic Medical Terminology
RDT 110 Fundamentals of Radiographic Equipment and Medical Imaging
RDT 112 Medical Imaging II
RDT 121 Radiographic Positioning & Anatomy I
RDT 122 Radiographic Positioning & Anatomy II
RDT 131 Medical Radiography Clinic I
RDT 132 Medical Radiography Clinic II
RDT 133 Medical Radiography Summer Clinic II
RDT 141 Radiation Science
RDT 230 Medical Radiography Summer Clinic III
RDT 231 Medical Radiography Clinic III
RDT 232 Medical Radiography Clinic IV
RDT 240 Imaging Applications
RDT 245 Medical Radiographic Equipment & Quality Assurance
RDT 252 Radiology Seminar
RDT 254 Radiologic Pharmacology and Pathology
RDT 260 CT & Cross-Section Anatomy
RDT 290 Computed Tomography Clinical
Respiratory Care
RCP 125 Essentials for Respiratory Care I
RCP 126 Respiratory Care Modalities I
RCP 127 Cardiopulmonary Physiology
RCP 135 Essentials for Respiratory Care II
RCP 136 Respiratory Care Modalities II
RCP 137 Pharmacology
RCP 246 Critical Care I
RCP 255 Advanced Patient Assessment
RCP 256 Critical Care II
RCP 257 Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics
RCP 265 Pulmonary Diseases and Conditions
RCP 266 Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
RCP 267 Respiratory Care Seminar
Robot Operating System
ROS 108 Introduction to Robotics
ROS 109 Intermediate Robotics
SCI 103 Earth Science
SCI 104 Climate and Weather: Causes and Effects
SCI 105 Integrated Science: Earth and Space
SCI 106 Integrated Science: The Living World
SCI 109 Environmental Science: Biological Topics
SCI 110 Sustaining Earth's Environment
SCI 120 The Ecology of Food
SCI 135 Introduction to Astronomy
SCI 140 Astronomy I: Close to Home
Social Science
SOS 260 Introduction to Trauma Informed Care in Community Settings
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology (Principles)
SOC 111 Social Problems & Social Change
SOC 201 Global Society and Global Culture
SOC 211 The Dynamics of Racial & Ethnic Relations
SOC 212 Juvenile Delinquency & the Juvenile Justice System
SOC 215 Gender and Sexuality
SOC 221 The Family
SPN 111 Beginning Spanish I
SPN 112 Beginning Spanish II
SPN 113 Spanish for Health Professionals
SPH 101 Speech Communication Skills
Surgical Technology
SUR 131 Surgical Procedures I
SUR 132 Surgical Procedures II
SUR 231 Surgical Procedures III
SUR 232 Clinical
SUR 233 Surgical Procedures IV
THA 101 Theater Production
THA 102 Stage Movement
THA 103 Stage Voice
THA 201 Acting
THA 202 Stage Management
THA 203 Playwriting
Utility Technology
UTT 101 Introduction to Utilities: Electric, Gas, Communications
UTT 110 Utility Installations/Principles I
UTT 111 Utility Installations/Principles II
UTT 115 OSHA 30/Safety/CPR/First Aid
UTT 299 Cooperative Work Experience