Electronics Technology
Course Number
ELT 103
Semester Offered
This course introduces students to DC and AC electrical circuits. Students learn the concepts of voltage, current, resistance, magnetism, and power and energy and the relationships between them. Methods of circuit analysis using Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, and network theorems are studied. Concepts of AC, capacitance, and inductance are presented. Impedance, R-L-C circuits, and impedance networks are introduced. In the laboratory, students learn how to read electrical schematics and construct circuits using proper wiring and soldering techniques. Students use a variety of test equipment including digital multi-meters, oscilloscopes, and function generators to analyze and troubleshoot circuits.
Placement into college level English, MAT 095 with a grade of "C" or higher or QMAT placement score > 21
Please Note
Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory