Computer Information Systems
Course Number
CIS 112
Semester Offered
This course builds on the foundations acquired in CIS 111. Students learn complex spreadsheet and database processing through the use of realistic business situations. For spreadsheet, topics will include financial functions, amortization schedules, connecting multiple worksheets and workbooks, sorting, querying tables, Pivot Tables, importing data, as well as data cleansing utilizing VBA. For database, topics will include report and form creation, learn multiple-table form techniques, learn advance report generation techniques, add combo boxes and command buttons to forms, creation of multiple page form, and form navigation using macros. This course is the second of two in a series to assist students in preparation of the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification exam.
CIS 111, Placement into college level English, MAT 095 with a grade of "C" or higher or QMAT placement score > 21