Nurse Education
Course Number
NUR 107
Semester Offered

This course provides an introduction to the role of the nurse in the health care system. Nursing Theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development are introduced and utilized as organizing frameworks. Additional integration of professional standards and competencies from National League for Nursing and other professional organizations is included. Students develop an understanding of and ability to use the nursing process as a method for assisting patients to meet healthcare needs. Students develop basic communication skills in order to promote effective relationships with patients, families and members of the health team. Content includes, but is not limited to, oxygenation, health assessment, elimination, medication administration, and basic comfort and care. Students participate in laboratory to acquire nursing skills and demonstrate competency. Clinical experiences are provided to reinforce nursing skills and promote clinical judgment. Successful completion of this eight-credit course with a “C+” or higher is required.

BIO 111 with a grade of “C” or higher, ENG 101
BIO 112, NUR 106, PSY 101