Robot Operating System
Course Number
ROS 108
Semester Offered

This course is an introductory course designed to immerse students in the fundamentals of robotics technology and its practical applications. This course offers hands-on experience with robotic systems, focusing on essential programming structures like variables, conditional statements, loops, and functions, along with key data structures such as arrays, vectors, linked lists, and hash tables. Using C++ as the primary programming language, students will learn basic programming concepts, sensor integration, and mechanical design principles. The course aims to develop practical skills applicable across various industries and serves as a stepping stone for advanced studies in robotics or computer science. Taught in a supportive and inclusive environment, ROS 108 encourages collaborative learning and active engagement, preparing students for a future in the evolving field of robotics.

CSC 101 or prior AP Computer Science A (CSA), Placement into college level English, MAT 100 or appropriate placement score