Course Number
MAT 103
Semester Offered
This course introduces the mathematical processes and techniques currently used in the fields of business and finance. Students use practical examples throughout to illustrate the relevance of analyzing and interpreting data in business and financial management. Students learn sound decision-making skills that will aid them in fulfilling their roles as citizens, consumers, employees, employers, investors, and entrepreneurs. The course introduces business statistics and continues with business and financial topics including bank services, business and consumer loans, simple and compound interest, payroll taxes, risk management, the mathematics of buying, break-even and cost-volume-profit analysis, discounts, markups and markdowns, inventory control, stocks and bonds, annuities and sinking funds, depreciation, interpreting financial statements and financial analysis.
MAT 095 with a grade of "C" or higher or equivalent placement measures
Restricted to Business Administration Career (BB and BBAP) and Business Administration Certificate (BAC) students