Phi Theta Kappa offers many benefits. Receiving an invitation to join says that you have put in a lot of dedication and hard work, and this should be recognized and rewarded! Our organization and chapter focus on the importance of academics and maintaining excellent grades, but also on developing important skills and community service. The Alpha Zeta Theta chapter Our chapter offers opportunities for scholar-servant-leaders to grow, develop leadership skills, networking skills, soft skills for the workforce, opportunities for deep thinking and researching for the bi-annual Honors Study Topic.
Phi Theta Kappa was founded in 1918 at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. Over the decades since its founding, Phi Theta Kappa has become an internationally recognized honor society for two-year colleges. There are over 2.5 million members and approximately 1,275 chapters located in the United States and other parts of the world. The organization prides itself on recognizing and rewarding academic excellence and provides great opportunities for its members to develop valuable leadership skills. It also offers numerous scholarships for both for transfer to four year institutions and for continuing into graduate studies.

The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students. PTK will provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming.
Membership in Phi Theta Kappa is based on academic excellence and local chapters handle invitations to prospective members.
The Alpha Zeta Theta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa here at Quinsigamond Community College was chartered on April 8, 1980. Until the fall of 2007, our chapter was inactive and silent. Since then, the chapter has exploded in growth and distinctions. The Alpha Zeta Theta Chapter has been named New England Regions Most Distinguished Chapter, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2017. We have been recognized nationally as one of Phi Theta Kappa's Most Distinguished Top 100 Chapters, in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. The Alpha Zeta Theta Chapter has also won multiple distinguished Honors in Action Project awards, distinguished College Project awards, and many Pinnacle and Milestone Awards. We have grown from that silent chapter with just thirty members to the most active and distinguished chapter in New England with hundreds and hundreds of active and alumni members.

Requirements & Benefits
Quinsigamond Community College Alpha Zeta Theta Chapter invitees need 12 credits of college level courses (level 100 or higher) and cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater.
Membership in Phi Theta Kappa is for life. If you graduate as a member it’s recorded on your transcript. This membership can have far reaching impacts when it comes to transferring to a four year institution and even for prospective employers.
Prospective members at Quinsigamond Community College need 12 credits of college level courses (level 100 or higher) and cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater.
There are many benefits of being a member of Phi Theta Kappa. Among them are:
- $37 million in transfer scholarships available exclusively to members
- Free enrollment in, an online service that helps match students with potential scholarships and college/universities for possible transfer.
- Access to Five Star Competitive Edge, a development plan for both personal and professional use.
- Increased pay grade for entry level federal jobs
- Personalized letters of recommendation for scholarships and employment
- Special benefits and offers from Phi Theta Kappa corporate partners
- Phi Theta Kappa Golden Key membership pin
- Embossed membership certificate and ID card
- Recognition at the annual chapter induction ceremony
- Special Phi Theta Kappa regalia to be worn at college graduation*
*Members need to complete chapter requirements to earn their Gold Stole for graduation. Requirements consist of performing 2 community services through the chapter and attendance at two general meetings, one in the semester in which you join, and the other prior to graduating.

Community Service
Our members participate in numerous community service events each year. Some of the organizations our chapter has worked with include:
- Lilly: The Worcester Public Library Bookmobile
- Community Harvest Project
- Veteran's Inc.
- Friendly House of Worcester
- Why Me & Sherry's House
- Dana Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund
- Worcester Animal Rescue League
- Rally Against Cancer
- Habitat for Humanity
- Central MA Housing Alliance
- Convoy of Hope
- Relay for Life
Our chapter's mission echoes that of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society, and our goal is to fulfill the commitment to scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship. We aim to become influential leaders while serving our college community and beyond.

Have Questions?
To learn more about PTK, please reach out to us! Check out QCC emails for meeting information and updates.