Are you a United States citizen?
Are you a Permanent Resident?
If you are not a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, please state your Visa or immigration status in detail
In-state or Reduced Tuition Category

Please select the in-state or reduced tuition eligibility category that applies to you.


As proof of my intent to remain in Massachusetts, I possess at least 2 of the following documents, which I shall present to the institution upon request. These documents* are dated within one (1) year of the start date of the academic semester for which I seek to enroll (except possibly for my high school diploma). The institution reserves the right to make and additional inquiries regarding the applicant's status and to require submission of any additional documentation it deems necessary.

Please check off the documents you possess as proof of your intent to remain in Massachusetts. Only select documents obtained in Massachusetts. Documents must be older than 6 months.

Documents must be sent by email to

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