QCC's governance structure encourages transparency and participation.

Do you know how governance works at the college? Do you have ideas on how to make processes better for our students and employees? Keep reading to see how QCC's governance structure has improved and how easy it is to get involved.


What is governance?

Governance at QCC is a decision-making process to advance the goals of the strategic plan, mission and vision of the college. This process is rooted in communication and trust.

QCC's governance philosophy is simple -  all employees have both the right and responsibility to contribute to major decisions where they have expertise. While advisory in nature, governance is critical to ensure perspectives are heard and contribute meaningfully to the college.


What's new in governance?

In February 2023, QCC embarked on a comprehensive review of its governance structure. A committee of representatives from across the college thoroughly examined existing practices, researched governance models at other community colleges and identified opportunities for improvement. QCC implemented its revitalized governance system in Fall 2024.

The creation of the Governance Roundtable and an online submission form for suggestions has significantly improved transparency and efficiency in the governance process.


What are the parts of QCC's governance?

Governance Roundtable

This group is the central body for governance communication. All governance suggestions are sent to the Governance Roundtable, which then decides which council will address the issue.

Governance Councils

  • Academic Policies and Standards Council
  • Curriculum Council
  • Equity Council
  • Operations Council
  • Student Policies and Procedures Council  

All College Forum

The All College Forum serves as a monthly meeting to share information from governance councils and if necessary, vote on proposals.


What issues go to governance?

Governance addresses three types of decisions:

  • Institutional policies
  • Procedures that affect multiple college areas
  • Planning matters involved in QCC's mission, vision and goals


How do employees get involved?

Any employee can submit a governance suggestion by filling out the online request form. This form is found on the governance page of QCC.edu. All staff and faculty may also join council subcommittees if they have expertise in the topic.


What is the process?

  1. Issues are brought to the Governance Roundtable through the online form.
  2. The Roundtable determines whether the issue is appropriate for governance and if so, refers the matter to the appropriate Council.
  3. The Council reviews the issue and provides recommendations. The Council may create a subcommittee to work on the matter.
  4. The matter returns to the Roundtable for further discussion and potential modifications.
  5. When necessary, proposals are voted on at the All College Forum.
  6. Final recommendations are sent to the President.
  7. The President either moves the matter to the Board of Trustees for approval or provides a rationale for not approving.
  8. After approval from the Board of Trustees, the policy or procedure is institutionally implemented.

For more information visit qcc.edu/governance.

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