Professor English Mark Bates (left) and Professor of CSET Betty Lauer

Professor of English Mark Bates and Professor of Computer Systems Engineering Technology Betty Lauer were recently featured in the news for their subject matter expertise. 

The Telegram & Gazette rounded up some of the area's most interesting college courses , which included Bates' course Survey of Hollywood Film,1920 to Present. 

“We’ve always been storytelling creatures, and there is no argument that over the last 100 years, the major narrative art form across the world has been cinematic,” Bates said.

Lauer was featured in a Spectrum News 1 story that informed the Worcester community about how to navigate cybersecurity attacks. The story was in response to the recent data breach of millions of Americans' personal data, including their social security numbers. 

“You have to really pay attention. We should be much more aware," said Lauer.


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