Former PTK President Kimberly Lindsey and Men's Baseball Coach Corey Coleman at the ribbon cutting for the new bleachers donated by PTK.

Bleacher Ribbon Cutting

On Monday, July 15, former Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) President Kimberly Lindsey and Men's Baseball Coach Corey Coleman had the honor of cutting the ribbon for a new set of bleachers at QCC's baseball field. PTK raised money between 2019 and 2023 to fund the bleachers that now reside behind home plate, providing an exciting view of the Wyverns baseball team.

"I want to thank the Phi Theta Kappa organization for donating money for this beautiful set of bleachers for our baseball games," said Director of Athletics and Fitness Center Lisa Gurnick.



Yoga classes are continuing through the summer in the Athletic Center. Classes are held on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.


Athletic Center Construction

The Athletic Center will remain open through December 2024. That means staff, faculty, students and members can still access the fitness area, lockers, showers, sauna and program classes. Also, community memberships can still be purchased.

For more information contact Lisa Gurnick at

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