Coordinator of the Future Focus Program Gilmarie Vongphakdy (right) with a student

Quinsigamond Community College was awarded $675,000 in Transition to College funding from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The funding covers a three-year period and will go towards QCC’s Future Focus program, which supports adult learners from adult basic education programs.

“This funding is so phenomenal,” said the Coordinator of the Future Focus Program, Gilmarie Vongphakdy. “Transition programs such as Future Focus help support some of our nontraditional students who are often parents, working full-time, or individuals who haven’t used the English language in a college setting before. Also, this funding allows us to increase our offerings from five courses to eight courses and provide laptop loans. Lack of technology is a big barrier for many of our students.”

Adwoa Koduah, a Worcester resident who is raising four children and has been working at a senior living facility said that as an adult learner, it was intimidating to go back to school and be around younger people. She said the Future Focus program offered guidance on how to navigate the processes of higher education.

“Future Focus has been a tremendous help. The first step is the most difficult but it’s worth it,” Koduah said.

Another student, Benedicta Boateng, recalled feeling too old to go to college.

“At a point I nearly gave up. I was struggling with a class, but through Gilmarie’s encouragement, I passed my class. Future Focus gave me the confidence that no matter my age, with determination I can further my education,” Boateng said.

The Future Focus program fully integrates students into QCC, provides academic and college readiness support services to enhance student retention and provides college credit coursework at no cost to the student. Students receive free tuition, fees, books, supplies and transportation if needed.

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