In today's rapidly changing world, professional development for higher education professionals is more important than ever before. In an effort to foster professional growth and knowledge sharing within our community, the Staff Development Committee has announced an upcoming Staff Development Conference on Friday, October 27. 

The Staff Development Committee wants to bring together experts and practitioners from diverse areas to exchange ideas, insights, and best practices. 

All QCC employees are invited to submit a proposal to present at the conference. The committee is seeking proposals for 30-minute presentations that fit into one or more of the following topic categories:

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
  • Student Development & Student Services
  • Trends in Higher Education
  • Leadership & Management
  • Wellness, Self-Care, & Work-Life Balance

The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, October 13. All submissions will be reviewed and responded to by Wednesday, October 18. Once accepted, each presenter should prepare a 30-minute presentation followed by 15 minutes for questions and discussion.

The conference will also include a workshop by keynote speaker Maria Milagros Vazquez, an award nominated author, TEDx speaker and personal growth & development expert. Vazquez will uncover the truth around 'work-life balance' while participants learn techniques to align with personal priorities and begin to develop the mental clarity needed to move into jobs and relationships without feeling guilty and/or being stretched thin. 

Whether you plan to present at or attend the Staff Development Conference on October 27, all employees are encouraged to mark their calendars for this great opportunity to connect with colleagues, expand your professional network, and learn more about emerging trends and best practices.

For more information, contact