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At QCC, we know that financial wellness can be a top priority for our students. The Financial Aid department recently implemented a new platform called iGrad as a way for students to improve their financial literacy. iGrad offers courses and webinars that range in topics from educational matters such as borrowing loans, to personal finance such as saving for personal goals and career development. The content is revised throughout the year, updating when financial aid deadlines arise or tax season starts.

Students can sign up by creating an account (a single sign-on from Microsoft 365) at qcc.igrad.com and take a financial wellness quiz. iGrad will then recommend articles or tools based on the students' financial wellness concerns they listed on the quiz.  

The platform also includes a scholarship search engine, which links to the QCC Foundation scholarships

For more information, contact Associate Director of Financial Aid for Student Service Amy Lawson at alawson@qcc.mass.edu.


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