2023 Hospitality and Recreation Management Etiquette Dinner

On April 5, the Hospitality and Recreation Management program held an etiquette dinner to show off the skills that QCC students learned throughout the semester in four different HRM courses. Students guided guests through an expertly prepared five-course meal in topics such as silverware usage, order of serving and techniques for consuming specific food and drink.

 "These learning objectives might not be used every day but if you do any international work or wedding planning, they will be quite useful. This also builds a fluidity that allows students to move among all types of people, which will help them get where they want to go," said Professor and Coordinator of the Hospitality & Recreation Management Program, Pat Hutchinson.

Student Dan Fuentes commented on the importance of learning the skills for future jobs, whether they are in hospitality and recreation or not. 

"You might be at a business meeting where employers or clients are watching your social skills to see if they want to move forward with you professionally," he said.

Visit HRM to learn more about this program.  

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