Safety Corner

Winter Driving Tips

Quinsigamond Community College considers your safety when commuting especially during the winter months. The winter weather can be unpredictable in Massachusetts and if the college is not closed due to inclement weather and you have to drive to campus, preparation is key to staying safe when traveling. Adverse driving conditions can unexpectedly arise, and you should practice winter driving skills and build extra time into your schedule. Here are some other tips:

  • Always wear a seat belt. It’s the law in Massachusetts.
  • Slow down. Slower speeds, slower acceleration, slower steering and slower braking all are required in winter driving conditions.
  • Drop it and drive. Put down the handheld devices – it, too, is the law in Massachusetts.
  • Don’t crowd the plow. A snowplow operator’s field of vision is restricted. You may see them, but they may not see you.
  • Avoid using cruise control in snow and ice.
  • Watch out for black ice on roads that appear clear but can be treacherous.
  • Be especially careful approaching intersections, ramps, bridges and shady areas. All are prone to icing.
  • Do not travel during bad weather unless absolutely necessary. If you do have to make a trip, check the forecast and make sure someone is aware of your travel route. Consider taking public transportation if it is an option.
  • Prepare an emergency kit that contains jumper cables, flares or reflectors, windshield washer fluid, a small ice scraper, traction material, blankets, non-perishable food and a first-aid kit.
  • Carry a cell phone and a car charger in case of emergency.
  • Slow down and move over for stopped emergency, construction and maintenance vehicles.

Safety Committee

QCC's Safety Committee continues to meet weekly and is now being chaired by Deputy Chief of Administration Reynaldo Rodriguez.

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