The Business Administration Career - Administrative Professional Option will prepare you for immediate entry into the workforce as administrative professionals in a business or medical setting. Prospective students may choose to specialize by completing either the Administrative Professional Certificate or the Medical Office Certificate first; all courses in the certificates apply to the associate degree program. Graduates of the Business Administration Career - Administrative Professional Option are highly-trained and workforce-ready.

Program Overview

What Will You Learn?

Associate in Science

In the Business Administration Administrative Professional Option you will learn management, appointment scheduling, and business etiquette, and develop excellent customer service skills. Learn how to communicate effectively and adapt to the technological changes in the global economy and a diverse workplace. Use ethics and research to develop ideas and the critical thinking to be successful in the business world.


In-State Tuition: $223/credit

Out-of-State / International Tuition: $429/credit

Some programs have additional program fees


4 Semesters

60-61 credits

Learn Online

  • This program may be completed 90% or more online.


  • High School Diploma or GED/HiSET.


  • This program may be completed at QCC Worcester (Main Campus).
  • This program may be completed face-to-face.


The following program(s) have connections that can be completed alongside or applied to this program:


Administrative Professional Certificate

The Administrative Professional Certificate focuses on developing the clerical skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to work in a business office setting. Upon graduation, students will be prepared for entry-level positions as administrative assistants or may move seamlessly into the Business Administration Career - Administrative Professional Option associate degree program.

Medical Office Certificate

The Medical Office Certificate focuses on the clerical skills and specialized knowledge needed in a medical or dental office setting. Upon graduation, students will be prepared for entry-level positions as medical administrative assistants/receptionists or may move seamlessly into the Business Administration Career - Administrative Professional Option associate degree program.

Career Stats

Have more questions?

We're here to help! Reach out to the following for support.

More Info
Course TitleCourse #Semester OfferedCreditsPrerequisites

Semester 1

  • Apply and get accepted to this program (Program Code: BBAP).
  • Register for and successfully complete all courses to graduate in four semesters.
  • Complete ENG 101.
Financial Accounting IACC 101F/S/SU3Placement into college level English
Medical Law and Ethics ORALH 106F/S3Placement into college level English
Business Law I ORBSL 101F/S/SU 
E-Business Law & EthicsBSL 103F/SCoreq: CIS 111
Keyboarding ApplicationsBSS 101F/S/SU3Placement into college level English
Introduction to Microcomputer ApplicationsCIS 111F/S/SU3 
Composition IENG 101F/S/SU3Placement into college level English

Semester 2

  • Meet with Career Services to discuss the internship process and leads for internship placements.
  • For the Elective, ALH 102 strongly recommended.
  • Complete MAT 103.
Financial Accounting IIACC 102F/S/SU3ACC 101, CIS 111
Advanced Microcomputer ApplicationsCIS 112F/S/SU3CIS 111, Placement into college level English, MAT 095 with a grade of “C” or higher or QMAT placement score > 21
Composition IIENG 102F/S/SU3ENG 101
Mathematics for BusinessMAT 103S3MAT 095 with a grade of “C” or higher or equivalent placement measures

Semester 3

  • Contact Career Services to complete all requirements of CPS 298 (required prior to registration for BUS 298). See
  • Create an account on the QCC job board to search for internships, co-ops and jobs.
Medical/Dental Billing and Insurance ORBSS 112F/S3ALH 102
Business Elective---F/S/SU 
Pre Cooperative Education SeminarCPS 298F/S0 
Speech Communication SkillsSPH 101F/S/SU3Placement into college level English
Liberal Arts Elective---F/S/SU3 
Science Elective or Lab Science Elective---F/S/SU3-4 

Semester 4

  • If seeking employment, meet with Career Services for career readiness preparation and to learn more about QCC’s job board.
  • Submit an Intent to Graduate Form, located on The Q.
Integrated Communications for BusinessBUS 201F/S/SU3CIS 111, Placement into college level English
Business Administration Capstone ORBUS 250F/S3CIS 111, Coreq: ACC 101 or CIS 212
Career Strategies & Internship ExperienceBUS 298CIS 111, CPS 298, Coreq: ACC 101 or CIS 212
Electronic Health Records ORCIS 212F/S3ALH 102, CIS 111
Database Management Application DevelopmentCIS 243SCIS 105 or CIS 111, Placement into college level English, MAT 095 with a grade of “C” or higher or QMAT placement score > 21
Human Relations in OrganizationsPSY 158F/S/SU3Placement into college level English
Social Science Elective---F/S/SU3 
Total Credits Required:  60-61 

Program Goals:

The Business Administration Career - Administrative Professional Option prepares graduates for immediate entry into the workforce as administrative professionals in a business or medical setting. Prospective students may choose to specialize by completing either the Administrative Professional Certificate or Medical Office Certificate programs first; all courses in the certificates apply to the associate degree program. Graduates of the Business Administration Career - Administrative Professional Option are highly-trained and workforce-ready.


Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate keyboarding speed and accuracy, with a minimum touch keyboarding rate of 30-35 words per minute on a three-minute timed writing, with at least 90% accuracy.
  • Demonstrate computer literacy and conduct research from a variety of sources.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively; create a portfolio of business communications using a variety of software applications.
  • Meet the challenging role of the administrative professional by adapting to the technological changes in the global economy and the diverse workplace.
  • Demonstrate the skills needed to develop ideas and make decisions based on ethics, appropriate research, analysis, and critical thinking.
  • Understand records management, appointment scheduling, and business etiquette, and develop excellent customer service skills.
  • Complete a 150-hour structured learning experience in which students apply skills and knowledge from the classroom to a work experience.


Admissions Process:

Admissions inquiries should be directed to Prospective students may apply to the program of their choice by following the enrollment steps at


Program Admissions Requirements:

Students should note that some first semester courses carry minimum prerequisites. Refer to the program grid.

  • High School Diploma or GED/HiSET.


CORI, SORI, Finger Printing & Drug Testing:

Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) checks are not required. Fingerprinting and drug testing are not required.

  • Prospective students should note that CORI/SORI checks, fingerprinting, and drug testing may be required by an internship host employer in order to complete BUS 298.


Additional Cost:

See the Program Fees page.

  • Students enrolled in BUS 298 may incur an additional expense for professional liability insurance.


Technical Performance Standards:

See the Technical Performance Standards page. (Note: Not all programs have technical performance standards).


Credit for Prior Learning:

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) allows students to use skills they already have towards a college degree or certificate. Work, life, volunteer and military experience may be translated into credit, allowing students to take fewer classes and earn their degree faster. CPL eliminates redundancies for students who have already earned credentials or mastered skills required for their program of study. Email for more information and eligibility.


Career Outlook:

Please consult the Massachusetts Career Information System at or the Occupational Outlook Handbook at for specific occupational information. The CIP code for this program is 52.0402.


Transfer Articulations & Opportunities:

Prospective students may learn more about transfer articulation agreements at More information regarding transfer opportunities is available at