Planned giving offers you the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy while ensuring the continued impact of QCC’s work. Through an estate gift, you can support scholarships, the Food Pantry, academic and student services programs, the library, or any other special area or program on campus that is meaningful to you.
The most straightforward and effective ways to achieve your estate planning goals are outlined below. We invite you to contact the Institutional Advancement Office as well;
Life Insurance
Life insurance policies that were purchased to provide protection for dependent children but are no longer needed for their original purpose, make an excellent giving opportunity. You may donate the existing policy to the Quinsigamond Community College Foundation, Inc. or name the QCC Foundation as the beneficiary of that policy. Naming the QCC Foundation as the beneficiary to your life insurance policy is a wonderful way to remember the College. We ask that you inform us of your intention and provide clear instructions on how you would like us to use the policy proceeds.
This is one of the easiest ways to make a planned gift. It can be as simple as inserting a sentence in your will – for example: “I give [$ amount] to the Quinsigamond Community College Foundation, Inc.” With a bequest, you can leave a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate to the QCC Foundation in your will. To ensure that your bequest intention can be honored, please inform the QCC Foundation of its purpose.
Retirement Plans
Did you know that you can name the QCC Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, 403 (b) or other retirement accounts? Talk to your financial advisor regarding this option. If you are 70 years old, you should start thinking about how you will take your Required Minimum Distributions beginning when you turn 70½ years old. Current Federal legislation allows for up to $100,000 of Required Minimum Distributions to be donated to charitable organizations like the QCC Foundation, each year.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Donating stocks or shares of mutual funds provides a great way to avoid capital gains tax and your gift is based on the current market value, not what you originally paid for the stocks. To maximize the tax benefits available to you, your shares must be transferred to the QCC Foundation before they are sold. Please contact us for the transfer instructions and to discuss where you would like your donation to be designated.