The SUCCESS Scholars program at Quinsigamond Community College is part of a state-funded initiative that provides students with wraparound support and services, designed to increase retention and graduation rates for students who have faced systemic barriers.
About the Program
The heart of the SUCCESS Scholars at QCC is a team of academic advisors who support the students in the program. This team provides a holistic, case management style of advising, supporting the whole student and connecting them to the college’s web of resources as needed to support their success.
SUCCESS Scholars Supports Include:
- Academic Advising
- Finacial Aid Support
- Academic Skills
- Career and Transfer Advising
- Workshops
- Transfer Trips
Many students are invited to join the program during the QCC Admissions process. However, interested students may also complete the Interest Form below.
To be eligible, students must be first time, first year students, meaning they have not attended college previously. Interest forms will only be considered through the second week of a student’s first semester. Preference will be given to students who are taking courses on a part-time basis, which means taking fewer than 12 credits per semester.
Have Questions?
To learn more please reach out to us!