Quinsigamond Outcomes Research for Excellence (QORE), comprised of faculty and professional staff, is a team devoted to general education student learning outcomes assessment.
Mission Statement
QORE leads campus efforts to understand and improve students’ mastery of the College’s General Education Student Learning Outcomes by collaborating with colleagues in all areas of the College.
QORE Values
The value (and values) of learning outcomes assessment is in broadly imagined, meaningful student success and equitable, transparent teaching and learning excellence. QORE is committed to defending academic integrity and freedom, including all colleagues’ substantive voices, and preserving the anonymity of all students and employees during all phases of the assessment process.
General Education Learning Goals
General Education
General Education at Quinsigamond Community College provides students with the skills, knowledge and perspectives that enable them to achieve their academic, professional and personal goals.
The learning goals for General Education are integrated into each Associate degree program. Depending on the program, General Education courses may account for about half the credits required to earn an Associate degree.
Every program meets General Education in its own way, as decided by its faculty and administration. Not all courses meet General Education goals; in fact, many program-specific courses do not. Also, some General Education goals may be met in learning contexts outside of Academic Affairs, such as student organizations or academic support services.
Measuring General Education Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes statements describe what a graduating QCC Associate degree-holder will know or be able to do. People often ask, "How will these be measured?" The short answer is that General Education learning outcomes will be measured using qualitative and quantitative methods, both directly and indirectly. Direct assessment involves looking at actual samples of student work produced in our courses and programs, including the co-curriculum. Indirect assessment uses proxy signs that students are probably learning; these may include surveys, exit interviews, and focus groups.
Learn more or get help with assessment?
Quinsigamond Outcomes Research for Excellence (QORE) offers workshops, maintains a collection of materials, and supports educators in departments and programs. Watch for events via the Center for Academic Excellence and contact QORE@qcc.mass.edu for individual help.
QCC's General Education icons represent the College's institutional learning goals. They help the College community identify events and opportunities that help foster critical competencies in these five areas
![]() | Goal Statement: Students will develop civic knowledge, skills and dispositions through learning and practice. Important note: QCC’s learners are diverse in many ways that may impact how they demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes. Learners may use approved assistive technology or other adaptive methods to meet General Education learning outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
![]() | Goal Statement: Students will read, write and speak effectively to build knowledge and convey meaning. Important note: QCC’s learners are diverse in many ways that may impact how they demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes. Learners may use approved assistive technology or other adaptive methods to meet General Education learning outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
![]() | Goal Statement: Students will engage in a reflective process of information discovery, use information ethically, and employ digital technologies to learn, communicate and collaborate. Important note: QCC’s learners are diverse in many ways that may impact how they demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes. Learners may use approved assistive technology or other adaptive methods to meet General Education learning outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
![]() | Goal Statement: Students will demonstrate intercultural knowledge within a variety of cultural contexts and with culturally different ideas and individuals. Important note: QCC’s learners are diverse in many ways that may impact how they demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes. Learners may use approved assistive technology or other adaptive methods to meet General Education learning outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
![]() | Goal Statement: Students will apply concepts and methods of mathematics and science to acquire knowledge and solve problems. Important note: QCC’s learners are diverse in many ways that may impact how they demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes. Learners may use approved assistive technology or other adaptive methods to meet General Education learning outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Learning Goal Icon Rules
QORE Resources & Events
Educator Idea Vault (in Blackboard) - Within Blackboard, all faculty and staff have access to the “Educator Idea Vault.” It currently contains four Toolkits on the following topics: Writing Assignment, Oral Presentation, Visual Presentation, and our newest addition, Civic Literacy. Each toolkit contains Assignment Frameworks, Rubrics, Sample Assignments and Resources for Faculty/Staff, and Resources for Students. All materials were designed to be adaptable across courses and fields of inquiry.
Toolkit Workshops - The workshops are hands-on sessions; participants take a virtual tour of the four Assignment Design and Assessment Toolkits. Then, the fun begins! Each participant will explore the Toolkits and “adopt” an assignment they feel will enhance one of their classes. Finally, they will work with colleagues to adapt their chosen assignment to suit the needs of their course and students. For more information, contact QORE.
Equity & Excellence Experience (E3) - The Equity and Excellence Experience is a collaborative venture into equity and inclusive excellence using reality pedagogy to innovate our teaching and learning in classrooms and beyond. Teams of faculty and staff developed new, active learning strategies and implemented them in their Fall 2018 courses. Our role model is Christopher Emdin, associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology at Teachers College, Columbia University. Interested? Find out more about the project and resources by contacting the QORE team.
General Education Goals - Are you familiar with QCC’s General Education Student Learning Outcomes? The QORE Team, which is comprised of faculty and professional staff, supports our colleagues in their assessment endeavors by developing and sharing tools to assess students’ mastery of the College’s General Education Learning Outcomes.
Have Questions?
Reach out to us!