While QCC's parking areas are generally safe places, it's always good to discourage car theft both on and off campus. Here are some tips from Campus Police to keep your vehicle safe!
Take Your Keys: Nearly 20% of all cars stolen had keys in them.
Lock Your Car: About 50% of all cars stolen were left unlocked.
Never Hide A Second Set of Keys in Your Car: Extra keys can be found if a thief takes the time.
Park in Well-Lighted Areas: Over half of all car thefts occur at night.
Never Leave Your Car Running: Cars are commonly stolen on cold mornings when the owner leaves the car running.
Completely Close Car Windows When Parked: Don’t make it easier for a thief to enter your vehicle.
Do Not Leave Valuables in Plain View: Do not make your car a more desirable attraction.
Remember Campus Police are here to assist. For non-emergencies call 508.854.4221 and for emergencies call 854.4444.