QCC Celebrates Pride Month

QCC celebrated Pride Month throughout June with a series of events and initiatives that highlighted the importance of LGBTQIA+ history and ongoing community understanding. 

Academic Counselor Christina Tzortzinis, President's Assistant for Engagement & Initiatives Jess Ahrens and DEI Program Administrator for the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mendrick Banzuela, organized the Pride Month Podcast Series, which created a safe, engaging space to learn and discuss LGBTQIA+ issues. The series held discussions about an episode of This American Life, which shed light on the history of homosexuality being declassified as a disease. In addition, there was discussion on an episode of Gender Reveal, which included challenges faced by nonbinary individuals in academia, as well as tips for using they/them pronouns (hint: some people who have trouble found it helpful to make up practice sentences on their own).

Other events included Decorate Your Desk, which offered free office decorations and an opportunity to learn about the unique flags that represent a part of the spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community. The Pride in Healing event provided educational materials on being better allies to queer veterans and offered therapeutic art activities for healing and community building.

Additionally, QCC spotlighted community members who shared their perspectives on the significance of celebrating Pride. Responses from staff and faculty emphasized the importance of recognizing LGBTQIA+ history, celebrating authenticity, and continuing the fight for equality. Many stressed the need for ongoing education and allyship beyond the month of June, to continue to learning and promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect. If you missed this, check out QCC's community email from Monday, July 1.

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