Each June, a ceremony is held for students who receive their High School Equivalency (HSE). At this year's ceremony there were 20 graduates in attendance, but close to 100 individuals who completed their HSE. The graduation ceremony is a way to congratulate these adult learners for the hard work they put in and the obstacles they have overcome to achieve this important credential.

QCC offers the General Education Development (GED) test, as well as the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) through its Testing department, in addition to preparation for the tests at the Adult Community Learning Center. 

Director of Testing Laura Tino noted some exciting HSE changes have recently been approved by the state. Testing (either HiSET or GED) is now free for Massachusetts test-takers.  Students can mix and match - taking some parts of the test in HiSET and others in GED.

For more information on testing visit QCC.edu/testing. For more information on the Adult Community Learning Center visit QCC.edu/aclc. 

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