WORCESTER, MA – March 25, 2024 – Quinsigamond Community College is once again offering free tax assistance through the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Certified volunteers and trained QCC students will assist with preparing tax returns for people who make $60,000 or less and people with limited English language skills. The VITA program provides services primarily at the Main South Community Development Corporation and also offers workshops at QCC’s main campus in Worcester and the QCC at Southbridge location.

“Everyone should know how to do their own taxes. This program helps us get to know where our money is going and why,” said Mohamed Kanafani, a student in the Business Administration Transfer program at QCC.

“This is a good resource, especially for low-income families,” said Business Administration Transfer student Nahum Echevarria, adding, “Sometimes when you’re done, clients are really grateful and you get to see their smile and gratitude.”

Elizabeth Coffey, another Business Administration Transfer student, noted that clients speak a variety of languages and the VITA program has an advantage over other tax establishments in that many volunteers can translate during the tax preparation process. Coffey speaks Spanish, Echevarria speaks Spanish and Portuguese and Kanafani speaks Arabic.

QCC has been involved with the VITA program since 2018, thanks to the work of QCC Assistant Professor of Accounting Eduardo Rivas.

“Students learn about taxes, but also other skills that they can put on their resume,” Rivas said.

Anna Kessler, a biology student, noted that the program has helped her learn how to work with people and remain empathetic yet professional during difficult conversations.

New to the program this year is a tax-specific platform, which allows for the entire process to be done remotely. According to Rivas, remote options were previously available but piecemealed together, whereas the new platform seamlessly allows for fully remote service including the signing and uploading of documents as well as remote communication.

QCC’s VITA services are offered through April 12. For more information visit www.qcc.edu/services/income-tax-assistance email Eduardo Rivas at erivas@qcc.mass.edu.

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