Assistant Professor of Radiologic Technology Nicole Wolfrum

Assistant Professor of Radiologic Technology Nicole Wolfrum was recently published in the Journal of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (Volume 95, Number 2, November.December 2023) for her innovative technique for shoulder imaging.

Wolfrum's innovative technique came about when she was working in an emergency room about six years ago.A patient she saw needed an x-ray for a suspected a shoulder fracture. The patient couldn't be moved because they had on a trauma collar (a device placed around the neck area to protect the spine).

After trying various angles, Wolfrum found a position that worked for both the patient and the image receptor.

Years later, a colleague saw Wolfrum use the same method and encouraged her to submit her technique to the Journal of American Society of Radiologic Technologists, which published her findings in their November/December 2023 issue (page 136).

"I was thrilled and proud of my accomplishment. This position improves patient care because you don't have to move the patient or delay their care. Most trauma patients who have a collar on usually have to be cleared for any spinal injury. This allows for the radiologic technician to do the exam without moving or harming the patient in any way. Also, once a technician knows how to do the projection, they find it very easy and efficient," Wolfrum said.

Once Wolfrum confirmed that her method would be published, she started implementing it with QCC students. 

"I love the field the of radiology," Wolfrum said. "This is a field that you're always learning and discovering. I also love teaching, because it allows me to give back what I know to the students. Here at QCC, I feel that they give the faculty a lot of support, help and advice when needed."