QCC and health insurance provider UniCare have teamed up to offer free wellness opportunities to QCC Family and the local community. The first offerings were two yoga classes that occurred on Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1.

The classes were taught by Kate Dalrymple, owner of Kula Yoga & Barre in Worcester, and assisted by Melanie Adams.

Friday's session took place on the soccer field where participants soaked up the sun during a crisp Autumn morning. Senior Enrollment Counselor and yoga aficionado Judith D'Angelo admitted that she was initially apprehensive about the weather that morning. 

"The hardest part is just getting on the mat, but you're always glad you did. Once we started moving, I barely noticed the temperature. The teacher was very engaging," D'Angelo remarked.

On Saturday, the incoming fall weather was a bit too cold for the outdoors so the yoga class was moved indoors to the college's Athletic Center.

"Yoga with Kate was a great way to start a cold, rainy morning to help clear your mind. The class was perfect for yogis of all levels," said Staff Assistant for the Office of External Affairs, June Geary, who attended the indoor session. 

Coordinator of Future Focus Gilmarie Vongphakdy, who also attended the yoga event, said she got into yoga during the pandemic but had taken a break from it recently.

 "Attending this class reminded me of how beautiful and healing yoga can be. Giving your mind and body time to pause is good for our health," she said.

If you missed out on these sessions but are interested in yoga, be sure to try QCC Athletics & Fitness Center yoga on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the lower exercise area of the Athletic Center. For more information, contact Athletic Director Lisa Gurnick at lgurnick@qcc.mass.edu.

Make sure to also look for more wellness events from QCC and UniCare in the near future!

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