The Computer Science Transfer associate degree program is designed to prepare students for transfer to four-year institutions where they can complete the bachelor’s degree, leading to careers in computer science, software engineering, and systems analysis.

Program Overview

What Will You Learn?

Associate in Science

You will learn to interpret technical information, communicate effectively, and learn concepts in computing and mathematics. You will design, implement, and evaluate an appropriate and secure computer-based system, process, component, or program to satisfy required specifications.


In-State Tuition: $223/credit

Out-of-State / International Tuition: $429/credit

Some programs have additional program fees


4 Semesters

60 credits

Learn Online

  • This program may be completed 90% or more online.


  • High School Diploma or GED/HiSET.
  • English: Placement into college level English.
  • Mathematics: MAT 100 with a grade of “C” or higher or appropriate placement score.


  • This program may be completed at QCC Worcester (Main Campus).
  • This program may be completed face-to-face.

Note: Students taking any Computer Science courses online are required to take proctored exams at QCC Worcester (Main Campus) or at a location approved by the instructor.

Career Stats

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More Info
Course TitleCourse #Semester OfferedCreditsPrerequisites

Semester 1

Computer Science I ORCSC 108F/S/SU4CSC 101 or prior AP Computer Science A (CSA), Placement into college level English, MAT 100 or approp place score
Introduction to RoboticsROS 108
Composition IENG 101F/S/SU3Placement into college level English
Calculus IMAT 233F/S/SU4MAT 124 or approp place score
Lab Science Elective---F/S/SU4 

Semester 2

  • Meet with a Transfer Services Advisor. See Attend Transfer Services events.
  • Complete CSC 109 or ROS 109.
  • Complete MAT 234.
Computer Science II ORCSC 109F/S/SU4CSC 108 with a grade of “C” or higher
Intermediate RoboticsROS 109ROS 108 with a grade of “C” or higher
Composition IIENG 102F/S/SU3ENG 101
Calculus IIMAT 234F/S/SU4MAT 233
Lab Science Elective---F/S/SU4 

Semester 3

  • Meet with representatives of four-year schools to discuss/begin the transfer application process.
  • Complete CSC 211, MAT 125, and MAT 237.
Programming with Data StructuresCSC 211F/SU4CIS 225 or CSC 109 with a grade of “C” or higher or ROS 109 with a grade of “C” or higher
Discrete MathematicsMAT 125F/S3MAT 123 or approp place score
Probability & Statistics for Engineers and ScientistsMAT 237F/S/SU3MAT 234
Speech Communication SkillsSPH 101F/S/SU3Placement into college level English
Humanities Elective---F/S/SU3 

Semester 4

  • CSC 212 is a Capstone course. Students will complete a project of their choice or instructor-assigned project.
  • Continue with/complete the transfer application process.
  • Complete CSC 208 and CSC 212.
  • Submit an Intent to Graduate Form, located on The Q.
Introduction to Architecture and Assembly LanguageCSC 208S/SU4CSC 109 with a grade of “C” or higher or ROS 109 with a grade of “C” or higher
Introduction to Software EngineeringCSC 212F/S4CSC 109 with a grade of “C” or higher or ROS 109 with a grade of “C” or higher
Social Science Elective---F/S/SU3 
Social Science Elective---F/S/SU3 
Total Credits Required:  60 

Program Goals:

The Computer Science Transfer associate degree program is designed to prepare students for transfer to four-year institutions where they can complete the bachelor’s degree, leading to careers in computer science, software engineering, and systems analysis.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
  • Think critically and apply the scientific method.
  • Analyze a problem and design an appropriate algorithmic solution.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate an appropriate and secure computer-based system, process, component, or program to satisfy required specifications.
  • Read and interpret technical information, as well as listen effectively to, communicate orally with, and write clearly for a wide range of audiences.
  • Function effectively as a member of a team to accomplish common goals.
  • Engage in continuous learning, as well as research and assess new ideas and information to provide the capabilities for life-long learning.
  • Exhibit professional, legal, and ethical behavior.

Note: Student learning outcomes for this program align with recommendations for transfer programs as defined by the Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges (CCECC) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Admissions Process:

Admissions inquiries should be directed to Prospective students may apply to the program of their choice by following the enrollment steps at

Program Admissions Requirements:

Students should note that some first semester courses carry minimum prerequisites. Refer to the program grid.

  • High School Diploma or GED/HiSET.
  • English: Placement into college level English.
  • Mathematics: MAT 100 with a grade of “C” or higher or appropriate placement score.

CORI, SORI, Finger Printing & Drug Testing:

Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) checks are not required. Fingerprinting and drug testing are not required.

Additional Cost:

See the Program Fees page.

  • The Computer Science Transfer program utilizes a virtual laboratory. Students enrolled in all CSC courses required in this program will be required to bring their own PC/Windows laptop to class.

Technical Performance Standards:

See the Technical Performance Standards page. (Note: Not all programs have technical performance standards).

Credit for Prior Learning:

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) allows students to use skills they already have towards a college degree or certificate. Work, life, volunteer and military experience may be translated into credit, allowing students to take fewer classes and earn their degree faster. CPL eliminates redundancies for students who have already earned credentials or mastered skills required for their program of study. Email for more information and eligibility.

Career Outlook:

Please consult the Massachusetts Career Information System at or the Occupational Outlook Handbook at for specific occupational information. The CIP code for this program is 11.0701.

Transfer Articulations & Opportunities:

Prospective students may learn more about transfer articulation agreements at More information regarding transfer opportunities is available at

Additional Information:

  • Student learning outcomes for this program align with recommendations for transfer programs as defined by the Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges (CCECC) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
  • Students in the Computer Science Transfer program must:
    • Understand the basic principles of the scientific method.
    • Use effective communication skills in documenting programming projects.
  • Online coursework is typically not eligible for transfer credit at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Students are advised to consult with their transfer institution(s) of choice for similar policies.

Minimum Requirements for Laptop Hardware:

  • Processor: Dual/Quad core Intel or AMD processor
  • Memory: 8.0GB Memory
  • Hard Drive: 500 GB Hard Drive
  • Microsoft Windows 10 Installed
  • Network: Wired or Wireless (802.11 a/g/n)
  • Web Cam + Mic + Speaker (Recommend Microsoft Lifecam Studio)


  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Open Office
  • MSOffice 2016 Professional Edition (Service Pack 1) * Optional Purchase1 or Office 365
    • .PDF Add‐on for MSOffice 2010 * Free Download from Microsoft
  • Acrobat Reader, Flash, Shockwave
  • Antivirus Software (Norton or McAfee)
  • Quicktime
  • Computrace (Recommended: Once registered, Computrace Professional offers a monetary guarantee up to $1,000.00 if a stolen computer is reported but not recovered ‐ For more info see
  • Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome
  • Latest Java JDK and Netbeans (Free online)