Many QCC students qualify for financial aid. The first step is to apply and it's free! Just follow the steps below.
Steps to Apply for Financial Aid
1. Complete the FAFSA*
Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You and your parent or spouse (if you are required to provide their information) must sign your FAFSA using each contributor's individual FSA ID. Be sure to designate Quinsigamond Community College (Federal School Code 002175) in the College release section. Make sure you select the application for the correct academic year.
*If you are not eligible to complete a FAFSA due to citizenship and Social Security Number requirements but would like to apply for state financial aid grants and scholarships as a High School Completer under the Massachusetts Tuition Equity law, you may instead submit the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA).
2. Let the FAFSA Process
Allow 3-5 business days for your FAFSA to be processed. You will receive a FAFSA Submission Summary, which you should review for accuracy.
Massachusetts is still building the financial aid process for High School Completers using the MASFA form. This College will receive your application information as soon as the process allows.
3. Additional Documentation
If additional documentation is required, you will receive a letter from the Financial Aid Office. It is important to respond to these requests as quickly as possible.
If you filed the MASFA: The Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) will contact you to complete the application process with them. It is important to respond to these requests as quickly as possible. QCC cannot take action on your application until you have completed OSFA's process.
Do you need help submitting the FAFSA or MASFA?
We have FREE options for you!
The QCC Financial Aid Help Center located at the Welcome Center in the Harrington Learning Center is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm for in-person appointments and prepared drop-ins. To make an appointment for in-person assistance:
Go to EZQ > Select the "Financial Aid Help Center" > Select "FAFSA Help" for your appointment.
We can also accommodate remote assistance by appointment. Please email for assistance with virtual appointments.
MassEdCo can assist you in completing your FAFSA either virtually or in-person by appointment only. Appointments are generally held between 9:00am and 6:00pm.
Eligibility Requirements
You must meet the following criteria to be considered for financial aid:
- Be admitted to an eligible program. Please note that undeclared majors are not eligible for financial aid.
- For most programs, you should enroll in at least six credits each semester. However, students with very low income may qualify for as little as one class per semester.
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by filing the FAFSA or, if you cannot file a FAFSA, the MASFA.
- Have a complete financial aid file by responding to all requests for additional information.
- Not be in default on any educational loan or in repayment of any educational grant.
- For the grant programs, you must not have a previous Bachelor's Degree.
- Be making progress toward a certificate or degree program according to the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen (see below for an exception). Verification may be required.
Massachusetts law on Tuition Equity. If you are a Massachusetts resident who does not meet the citizenship criteria for federal financial aid, you may qualify for both in-state tuition rates and state financial aid grants and scholarships if you meet the criteria for "High School Completer" status. To qualify for state financial aid, you must:
- Have an approved application as a High School Completer and qualify for in-state tuition at QCC.
- Submit the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA).
Priority Filing Deadlines
FAFSA/Filing Deadlines
Apply for the Fall Semester (FAFSA Priority Filing Deadline): April 1
MASSGrant (Mass State Scholarship Program): May 1
Apply for the Spring Semester (FAFSA Priority Filing Deadline): October 1
Apply for Summer Financial Aid (call the Financial Aid Office for the exact date): End of March
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you missed the priority filing date, you should still apply for financial aid! These priority filing dates assure that you receive the maximum financial aid possible and that your funding will be available to pay your bill by the billing due date, assuming you complete all requirements. Students who need financial assistance are encouraged to complete the financial aid process as soon as possible. Funding is still available.
Special Circumstances
If you have a unique situation that is not outlined below and is affecting your ability to complete the FAFSA or pay for college, contact the Financial Aid Office for guidance by calling 508.854.4261 or by email to
If you believe you have a special circumstance that was not reflected on the FAFSA, we may be able to take it into consideration if you take the necessary steps to document your situation. Special circumstances include but are not limited to:
If you or a family member whose income was provided on the FAFSA has had a significant change in income, we may be able to use professional judgement to update your FAFSA with the appropriate documentation. To request a re-evaluation, submit the following:
- A detailed letter of explanation. Be sure to include:
- The name of person whose income has changed and their relationship to the student.
- Date the income changed occurred.
- Circumstance (i.e. lost job and still unemployed, started new job at lower pay rate, reduced hours, etc.)
- Tell us about current sources of household income.
- Documentation.
- Separation letter from previous employer
- Pay stubs from the most recent pay period
- Unemployment documentation
Extenuating Parental Circumstance (for students with NO parental contact)
Examples might include:
- Parental abuse or abandonment
- Parental whereabouts are unknown, or
- Other similar circumstances that prevent a student from being able to obtain parental information for the FAFSA
Students in these scenarios may request a Dependency Override by submitting:
- A written, signed statement from the student applicant explaining the situation in detail. The letter must address the student’s relationship with both biological or adoptive parents.
- A written, signed statement from an adult outside the family, in a professional position, who can confirm the situation (a high school guidance counselor, psychologist, family physician, clergy person, or member of the law enforcement, etc.). This statement must be on professional letterhead.
- Documentation of court or DSS (Department of Social Services) involvement, if applicable.
If you are unable to obtain supporting documentation from a professional, please contact the Financial Aid to discuss other options.
Parent Non-Support (for students who still have parental contact)
- Parent is unwilling to provide the financial information needed to complete the FAFSA,
- Parent refuses to contribute towards college expenses
- Student financially supports themselves
Students who meet these criteria do not qualify for a Dependency Override, but can be considered for an unsubsidized student loan only if they provide the following:
- A written, signed statement from the student applicant explaining the situation. In this letter, the student must state that they do not live with their parents, that they receive no financial support from parents, and indicate how student is being supported (self-supporting, living with another family member, etc.). Please be sure to address the situations concerning both of your biological or adoptive parents.
- A signed statement from parent (or both parents if they are not married and living together) indicating that the student does not live with them, that they do not and will not provide any financial support to student, and that they refuse to complete the FAFSA. Students should make every effort to obtain this letter from their parent. If a letter from the parent not possible, a student must submit a written, signed statement from an adult outside the family, in a professional position, who can confirm the situation (a high school guidance counselor, psychologist, family physician, clergy person, or member of the law enforcement, etc.). This letter must be on the individual’s professional letterhead.
- Letter explaining the circumstances.
- Documentation of the medical expenses that were paid out of pocket (Cannot be copies of the bills themselves, must document actual payment).
Please note that additional documentation may be needed to process your request. Students will be notified in writing of any requests for additional information. Although we do our best to accommodate extenuating circumstances, approval of these requests is not guaranteed.
Financial Aid FAQs
Students apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA and designating QCC as a school to receive it. If additional documentation is requested, students must respond to these requests as quickly as possible.
The federal definition of an independent student is very specific and does not necessarily mean that the parent(s) are supporting the student. However, the federal government feels that it is the parent(s') responsibility to assist their children in paying for their education. To the extent that parent(s) are unable to assist, financial aid is available to help out. Students are considered "independent" for financial aid purposes, if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Is 24 years old
- Is currently married
- Is an orphan or ward of the court
- Is a Veteran
- Has dependents who receive more than half of their financial support from the student
- Is a graduate student
- Is an emancipated minor
- Is or was in legal guardianship
- Is homeless (see FAFSA for details)
Students who do not meet these criteria must provide their parent(s) information on the application. An appeal process is available for the student with extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for the student to obtain their parent(s)' information. Examples of extenuating circumstances include such things as, parent(s) live in another country and student cannot contact them, student has been removed from the home due to parental abuse, etc. Letters of appeal may be directed to the Director of Financial Aid and must include third party documentation verifying the circumstances.
Not necessarily. QCC’s financial aid eligibility criteria are different from the criteria to qualify for the MASSGrant. If you are denied a MASSGrant, you may still be eligible for our other aid programs.
The Student Aid Report was emailed to you by the US Department of Education's federal application processor. It has important information that you should review.
- Review all of the data you provided and make sure it is accurate. If you find a mistake you can make corrections at the FAFSA website.
- Check on the last section and be sure you see Quinsigamond Community College listed as one of the schools that received your information.
- QCC encourages students and parents to use the IRS Data Retrieval tool as the fastest and most accurate means of providing tax information. If you did not initially use IRS Data Retrieval you may be able to make a correction and utilize the tool.
- The federal processor matches some of your personal information with other federal agencies to verify that you have met certain eligibility requirements. If there is a mismatch you will be required to submit additional documentation to the Financial Aid Office. It is important to respond to all requests for additional information in a timely manner.
Students are placed on suspension if they are not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Academic records are reviewed after each semester to ensure students meet these standards. Students who are suspended do not qualify for financial aid but may regain eligibility.
Refund checks for students with a credit balance are generally available in late October for the Fall semester, early March for the Spring semester, and early July for the Summer term. Students will receive an email to their student email address when a check is available. Be sure to check your student email before waiting in line at the Payment Center. If your credit balance is the result of a student loan, all required loan documents must be completed before a refund check is issued.
Your financial aid award is based on a number of factors including but not limited to: the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from your FAFSA, the number of credits you plan to enroll, your dependency status, and whether or not you applied by our Priority Filing Dates.
While certain aid programs have their own criteria, students generally maintain their eligibility by filing their FAFSA on time each academic year, and meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
Third-party and outside scholarship funds will be applied to the student's account for the semester in which the award is given. If the student has sufficient funding that there is no balance due to the College in that semester, QCC will contact the funding source and ask if the funds can be refunded to the student or if the funds must be returned to the funding source and QCC will act accordingly. The College will no longer hold over funds from one semester or academic year to the next.
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Financial Aid
Friday: 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Check out out resources to help you with financial aid.